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Overview of Data Bridge
So far, we have covered how data flows throughout the top portion of this graphic.
Up to this point, data flows from the call recording platform to Word Bench and ends there unless manually downloaded for ad-hoc analysis purposes.
Now that you have experience with the Word Bench platform and understand how much data is contained within a single call, we will cover other ways that data can be used beyond WordBench.
3. Data Bridge is the critical service Call Journey offers which allows customers to access our database, allowing call data to be used in business intelligence tools like Power BI.
4. The bottom portion of this graphic depicts an organization’s various departments which could benefit from this capability.
File Types and Credentials
5. Call Journey provides an out-of-the-box Power BI template (.PBIT file) called “Call Scoring” which is a scorecard framework with no data. This file is opened in Power BI desktop and credentials are used to access the Call Journey database, filling in the template with data and changing it to a .PBIX file.
6. Once the the .PBIX file is created, it can be published to Power BI online for use. Elements of the Call Scoring app can be combined with existing Power BI dashboards to further enhance analysis potential.
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