This page outlines the steps to configure your Azure Active Directory (AD) to work with Call Journey’s single sign-on (SSO).
Step 1: Create the App registration
From your Azure portal navigate to the “App registration”
Select “+ New registration” and complete the screen that pops up
Step 2: Set the Redirect URI
Set the “Redirect URI to:
Note: The Redirect URI can also be set on the Authentication tab.
Step 3: Expose an API
Go to Expose an API tab
Under “Scopes defined by this API” click on “Add a Scope”
On the right-hand side pane, leave the Application ID URI as provided and click Save and Continue in the bottom
Next: on the “Add a scope” screen is shown. Enter page (shown below) enter the details as below:
Scope name - User.Read
Who can consent? - Select as per your organization requirements
Admin consent display name - Read user data
Admin consent description - Allows the app to read signed-in user’s data
User consent display name - Read your data
User consent description - Allows the app to read your data
State - Enabled
Once the above details are filled in click on Add Scope button to create the scope.
Step 4: Provided to Call Journey
Once the asset above is created, you need to provide the following information to Call Journey.