Table of Contents |
Overview of Data Bridge
So far, we have covered how data flows throughout the top portion of this graphic.
Up to this point, data flows from the call recording platform to Word Bench and ends there unless manually downloaded for ad-hoc analysis purposes.
Now that you have experience with the Word Bench platform and understand how much data is contained within a single call, we will cover other ways that data can be used beyond WordBench.
3. Data Bridge is the critical service Call Journey offers which allows customers to access our database, allowing call data to be used in business intelligence tools like Power BI.
4. The bottom portion of this graphic depicts an organization’s various departments which could benefit from this capability.
File Types and Credentials
5. Call Journey provides an out-of-the-box Power BI template (.PBIT file) called “Call Scoring” which is a scorecard framework with no data. This file is opened in Power BI desktop and credentials are used to access the Call Journey database, filling in the template with data and changing it to a .PBIX file.
6. Once the the .PBIX file is created, it can be published to Power BI online for use. Elements of the Call Scoring app can be combined with existing Power BI dashboards to further enhance analysis potential.
Once the .PBIT is opened in Power BI Desktop, you will be prompted to enter a first set of credentials Call Journey provides you to access the Call Journey database.
A second set of credential information will be required to complete the integration.
Once the data loads into the .PBIT it becomes a .PBIX. You can save the file as needed and publish it to Power BI online.
You will need to select a workspace to publish the .PBIX to.
The published .PBIX will appear in the workspace you selected.
Call Journey recommends that the Power BI apps are set to refresh daily to ensure that Power BI dashboards are kept up to date.
Word Bench applications are reprocessed, they must have the “Update scores in the file JSON” option selected, or the Power BI application will not receive the updated scores.
Once opened, the Call Scoring app will appear with data from the QA Scoring apps in Word Bench.
Scorecard Breakdown
Before we look at the published Call Scoring Power BI app, let’s look at an example of the kind of scorecard a client may be using currently.
In this example, we can see some highlighted examples of subjective questions which if asked to a hundred different people, would give a hundred different responses.
It would be difficult to answer these questions with speech analytics as well, but we can do our best to break down subjective questions into smaller elements which can be measured objectively.
As opposed to the subjective approach, speech analytics takes the objective approach; each of the questions here is tied to a phrase library and the call either does or does not contain phrases from it.
Start Score indicates which direction scoring occurs. For example, the starting score for an agent is 0 until they identify themselves, at which point they earn 100 points for that question. Oppositely, an agent has 100 points until they use excessive filler words, at which point they lose all points for that question.
Minimum hits is the necessary number of detected phrases within a leaf-level category before the score is affected positively/negatively.
Red flag indicates whether the category is a high priority concern if detected. As seen here, when customers have negative feedback the call will be flagged for priority review.
The scorecard lists the questions which relate to the Word Bench leaf level categories; there are a total of 34 questions across four main categories.
Weights for each question are listed in the far- right column. Note the questions in the Call Scoring app are universal, not specific to any industry.
Now it’s time to open the published Call Scoring app and discover some insights!
Overview of Call Scoring
The published Call Scoring application will break down by inbound and outbound calls.
These apps draw data from the two QA Scoring Word Bench applications.
It is important to ensure that the Word Bench apps are kept up to date; changes to the phrases within the app will require reprocessing to update the JSON files.
4. Filters are across the top of the app; these apply across each app separately (ex. inbound filters apply only to the inbound app).
5. The inbound and outbound apps each have three sections seen here.
6. The Contact Center Performance Overall tab shows an overview of scores across the entire range of calls allowed by the above filters; it is meant to give an idea of overall performance over time.
7. Hovering over sections of the app can display additional information. For example, we can see a performance drop since the previous day.
8. The category tab breaks down the chart into four categories to allow for center-wide identification of opportunities.
9. Individual categories can be displayed individually or together by holding the control key and selecting/de-selecting them.
The four categories here are the same as the ones seen in the Word Bench app. However, in Word Bench, there are more than four categories due to the deductions and communications categories being separated out.
10. The Agent Comparison tab allows you to drill further down to the agent level, giving you insight into how the score of an agent (or set of agents) compares to the average score on each question of the scorecard.
11. By default, all questions on the scorecard will show here, but control-selecting will allow you to display the questions from each category.
12. You can select one or more question at a time (by holding control and clicking) to view the scores for each agent.
13. Selecting questions on the left will change the average score calculated in this field.
14. Sorting is available by clicking on the top of the column.
15. You can also select one or more agents at a time (by holding control and clicking). Selecting these five agents affected the bar graphs on the left; it now shows the average of the selected agents in blue compared to the overall average of the call center.
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