This report is an extension of the topic analysis by providing an overview of the phrases used to generate the 10 topics.

The bar chart shows the top 100 phrases making up the topic analysis, sorted by frequency.

An alphabetical listing of phrases included in the topic analysis is provided.

Phrases can be sorted by selecting an alternative column heading.

  • Total Topics - number of topics phrases appears in.

  • Calls - number of calls with this phrase

  • Avg Weight

    • Weights range from 0 to 1.

    • Indicates how important the phrase is to a topic.

    • Where a phrase appears in more than one topic then the average weight across these topics is shown.

The table comes with a drill-through feature that allows you to list the topics for a phrase.

For example, “Credit Card” is included in two topics. To list those topics:

  • use your mouse to right-select on any phrase.

  • select Term Details:

A list of the topic numbers, number of calls and weightings relevant to the phrase will be shown:

You can now select Topic 8 or 10 to see which other phrases were grouped into the topic with the Credit Card phrase.