This page outlines the steps to configure your Azure Active Directory (AD) to work with Call Journey’s single sign-on (SSO).
You will need to know the Redirect URI, which is made up of:
The Wordbench URL
Your company ShortName
Please contact Call Journey if you do not know either of these parameters.
The Redirect URI will take the following form:
{Wordbench URL}/login/authenticate/sso/company/callback/{CompanyShortName}
where you replace {Wordbench URL} and {CompanyShortName} with the values provided to you.
A list of current Wordbench URLs are:
Region | Wordbench URL(s) |
Australia | |
Canada | |
From your Azure portal navigate to the “App registration”
Select “+ New registration” and complete the screen that pops up
Set the “Redirect URI to:
{Wordbench URL}/login/authenticate/sso/company/callback/{CompanyShortName}
Note: The Redirect URI can also be set on the Authentication tab.
Go to the Authentication tab
Set the sign-out “Redirect URI” is configured under the Front Channel Logout URI to:
{Wordbench URL}/logout/callback
Once the asset above is created, you need to provide the Client ID, Secret Value and Discovery Endpoint to Call Journey.
Client ID – This is the “Application (client) ID” of the App Registration (Active Directory)
Secret Value – This is the Value of the Secret (not the Secret ID) you create in the App Registration. It is provided once when created, after that it cannot be retrieved, and a new secret must be created.
Discovery Endpoint – This is the address of an auto-configuration service that will set up OIDC. It is known as the OpenID Connect metadata document. In Azure Active Directory this is located in the Overview Panel and can be reached by clicking the Endpoints button.