How To Access Wordbench Customized Metadata and App Scores
Wordbench Customized Metadata and Apps will differ between customers and recording platforms. Because this data changes between customers it is not possible to incorporate it into a standardized report. However, the Customized Metadata and App scores are included in the data tables that have been imported into Power BI. They are presented in two alternative formats:
As extracted values within:
pubic generated_analytics_client_data table (for Customized Metadata)
pubic generated_analytics_scorecard_data table (for Apps scores)
As lists within the pubic generated_analytics_data table
To use the data within these lists, the lists will first need to be extracted. Query Functions have been written and included in the Power BI template to simplify this process. Below are details on how to execute the Query Functions.
Below are instructions on how to access the data within each of the above tables.
Accessing the Already Extracted Customized and App Data
Understanding the Table Structure
The name of each metadata field or app category is kept within one column in the table. The corresponding value is kept within a second column. This means that any one call could have multiple rows in the table. This differs from the other tables where there is only one row per call. This is best illustrated in the image below showing the metadata from one Genesys Cloud call:
In the example above, we can see that it is a Outbound call by Agent Smith.
Creating a New Table with the Relevant Field Value
One approach to using this data in a Power BI visualization is to extract the relevant field and save it to a new table. The steps below show how to extract the CallDirection field.
Select New Table from the top menu:
Give the table a name and enter the follow DAX formula:
CallDirection = FILTER('public generated_analytics_client_data','public generated_analytics_client_data'[field_name]="CallDirection")
Each of the elements in this formula is illustrated below:
HINT: If you start to type the DAX function, table name or field name, you will be prompted with possible options.
A new table will now be available in the Fields pane on the right showing, in this case, only the CallDirection data for the calls.
You can repeat the above process to extract any data fields from either of the tables containing customized metadata or app scores.
Creating a Relationship
After creating the new table, ensure that the new table is linked to other tables by using the insertid field:
Extracting Wordbench Customized Metadata (clientdata field)
Select Transform data from the Home menu to open the Power Query editor:
The clientdata field is located in the public generated_analytics_data table:
Extract the Customized Metadata by using the ExtractCustomMetadata query function:
Select ExtractCustomMetadata in the left hand pane
Select or Enter the relevant parameters into the respective boxes
although it indicates “optional”, please ensure you insert “true” into the HasPrefix box.
Select Invoke
The diagram below illustrates the key steps:
Once the query function has finished running, a new table will have been created containing a separate column for each of your metadata fields:
Note: your table may appear different as you may have metadata fields.
You may right-click the column headings or table name to re-name them:
Remember to Close & Apply your changes:
You can now modify or create new visuals in Power Bi using your customized metadata.
Extracting Wordbench App Scores (scorecard field)
The scorecard field may contain multiple lists (one for each App) which themselves may be multi-layered. The process for extracting these scores is twofold:
Extract each App into its own data field
Extract the scores for an App
The above approach will allow you to pick and choose which App scores you want to extract.
If not already open, select Transform data from the Home menu to open the Power Query editor:
The scorecard field is located in the public generated_analytics_data table:
Extract each App separately by using the ExtractCustomMetadata query function:
Select ExtractCustomMetadata in the left hand pane
Select or Enter the relevant parameters into the respective boxes
although it indicates “optional”, please ensure you insert “true” into the HasPrefix box.
Select Invoke
The diagram below illustrates the key steps:
Once the query function has finished running, a new table will have been created containing a separate column for each of your Apps. The diagram below shows the new table (named Invoked Function) with a separate column containing the scores for the out-of-the-box Apps that are available on Wordbench.
Note: your table may appear different as you may have deleted or added other Wordbench Apps.
You may right-click the column headings or table name to re-name them:
We can now extract the App scores for any of the Apps. To extract the scores for the Call Drivers App:
Select ExpandScoreCardByName in the left hand pane
Select or Enter the relevant parameters into the respective boxes
Select Invoke
Hint: you may want to copy the column heading for the App you wish to expand so that it can be easily pasted into the query function boxes (right click the App header name, select rename, select Ctrl+C).
As before, once the query function has finished running, a new table will have been created containing the scores for the App you extracted. The diagram below shows the the scores for the Call Drives app (note: the table has also be renamed to Call Drivers):
You may wish to rename all or some of the column headings.
Remember to Close & Apply your changes:
You can now modify or create new visuals in Power Bi using the scores from the Call Drivers app.
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