Account Management
Now that you have seen all the sections within Word Bench that you will be using, we can learn to create new accounts and look into what types of access users can have.
✅ Your Turn |
Access the “Accounts” page via the Settings drop-down menu. If you do not see the “Accounts” section, you do not have access to this and may skip to Section 8. |
On this page you can see the organizations and users you have set up under your company.
There are three ways to set up a new user:
Send the user a registration link
Create an account and send a password to set a password
Create an account and password for a user
✅ Your Turn |
To send the user a registration link, click the “Register” button here. |
Sending a Registration Link
A new tab will open with the signup page displayed here. The URL in your browser will be the link you need to send to the user for them to fill out.
The URL will look something like this.
✅ Your Turn |
Close the tab to return to the Accounts page |
Creating a New Account
Your organization may want to control the usernames and email address users have connected to their Word Bench accounts.
✅ Your Turn |
To add a new user, click on the “ + “ icon here |
If you only decide to set the name, email, and username for a new user (but want them to set their own password), select the option for “Send user link to set password.” The link will go to the email address entered above.
If you decide to set the name, email, username, and password for a new user, select the “Set password for user.” You will need to inform the user of their password for them to log in.
Once a user registers, there will be a notification on the top of the screen when you are logged into Word Bench.
The new user will have a caution icon next to their name until they have been verified in the next step.
✅ Your Turn |
To verify and edit access of a user, click on this icon. |
New users must be verified by clicking on the “Unverified” button, then clicking the check box. |
3. The “Permissions” section is where you can decide the access a user has.
4. The “View” column provides user access to view call transcripts and application results from the dashboard page.
The “Create/Edit” column provides admin access to create and edit applications.
5. In this example, a user would have user access to all existing (and future) organizations’ calls in “Example” but will only have admin access to “Example Organization” even if new organizations are created.
6. In this example, a user would have admin access to all of “Example” but would not have access the calls or Dashboard view.
7. In this example, a user would have dashboard and admin access to “Example Organization” only.