McKinsey Playbook Timeline



The purpose of this deck is to create a detailed playbook of which McKinsey and Call Journey can deliver against and has the key assets and foundations detailed and prescribed.

What does the playbook cover?

  • All key sales motions from pre-sale through to customer engagement, covering both rapid deployment and leave-behind customer experience

  • We’re also looking to detail steps and stages and resources required

This playbook discusses how McKinsey can add significantly greater value to customer engagements through “always-on” insights and intelligence derived from ongoing live and real time customer interactions.

In addition, customer interaction intelligence can deliver insights for other buying personas and interested parties whereby;

  • The customer can experience greater value and business upside from their McKinsey engagements

  • McKinsey can expand and deepen customer coverage with the same core data intelligence

In essence, the premise is to expand McKinsey’s engagement beyond Rapid Deployment and make McKinsey intelligence a key asset of their customers day-to-day business operation.

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