Today’s global pandemic has proven the importance of having a system in place for government and public sector entities to better understand their constituents and what they’re going through. With Conversation Analytics, local councils get a more holistic view of their citizens to better promote their well-being and influence positive societal change.
Local Government organizations are under head wind challenges in many areas as it moves into the future, notwithstanding impacts driven by the global health crisis as it grapples with delivering essential community infrastructure and services in line with community demand..
Add Voice Data to the Local Council data package to significantly increase citizens and constituents and employee insights.
Better Understanding CITIZENS or CONSTITUENTS
Deepen those relationships.
Meeting the engagement expectations of citizens and constituents.
Managing organizational culture
Finding ways to improve productivity
Put data at the center of decision making with a 360-degree view of the citizen
Use Call Journey’s solution connecting audio conversation data from the Local Council environment into their Microsoft Eco System.
Create predictive citizen experience measures to enhance citizens/constituents' insights.
Enhance citizen health insights around areas such as duress, mental health, domestic violence/abuse
Significantly enhance insights into council/citizen engagement in key domains such as waste management, roads, emergency management, welfare etc.
Ascertain the context of voice calls re key events (i.e. Coronavirus or other risk factors).
Automate QA processes to assess 100% of citizen conversations to manage employee conduct and culture and council reputation
Understand Citizen experience and engagement to drive better council cost to serve
Now with voice data added to your data analytics mix, analyze citizen conversations with different departments in your local council to get to the true root cause of good, bad and ugly citizen experience. What are the real issues of citizen dis-satisfaction and satisfaction? Gain non-fettered insights as to the sentiment and emotion of your citizens and understand both qualitative and quantitative drivers and challenges.
Gain council services insights
Now with voice data added to your data analytics mix, understand more forensically what your citizens think of your products/services, test new services in a controlled landscape and use conversation data to get insights to citizen thoughts and ascertain what adjustment to services or new services may be required
More completely map out citizen journeys
Now with voice data added to your data analytics mix, you can completely map out the citizen journeys to better understand and be educated about how your citizen journey strategy is validated by real, live, in-moment citizen insights
Manage council employee culture and conduct
Conversation analytics helps you do even more to protect council reputation, remediate what’s gone wrong, and comply with any relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks. Utilize Call Journey's AI to assess 100% of your citizen interactions to more efficiently and diligently manage employee performance.