Education - A Closer Look
Data-driven education has proven through time to help bridge the achievement, retention and discipline gaps so students and faculty alike can enjoy a seamless learning experience.
THE CHALLENGE OF KNOWLEDGE – the information explosion in today’s landscape demands fundamental rethinking of the traditional concept of knowledge, it’s transmission, delivery by teachers and acquisition by students.
THE CHALLENGE OF RESOURCE – The growing population of schools demands an increasing influx of resources, including funds, technology, visionary principals, skillful teachers and other necessary support systems.
THE CHALLENGE OF DATA – It is more important than ever for schools to ensure their brands and programs are represented correctly to guarantee compliance and avoid state and federal scrutiny of recruiting practices and programs.
THE CHALLENGE OF DECENTRALIZATION – Albeit promising to be more efficient, decentralization can cause overlapping and conflicting decisions to be made at different levels. It can raise a question on comparability, equity, QA, and inspection.
Add Voice Data to the Education Sector data package to significantly increase students and employee insights.
Better Understanding of TEACHERS and STUDENTS
Deepening those relationships.
Meeting the engagement expectations of both students and teachers.
Managing organizational culture
Finding ways to improve productivity.
Put data at the center of decision making with a 360-degree view of their customer.
Use Call Journey solution connecting audio conversation data from the Credit Union’s Genesys environment into the Members Microsoft Eco System.
Use Call Journey’s solution connecting audio conversation data from the Education sectors environment into their Microsoft Eco System.
Create predictive CX measures to enhance students/faculties' insights.
From thousands of those conversations. supercharge their journey’s strategy.
Assess sentiment across contact channels with voice data playing an integral part.
Automate QA processes to assess 100% over voice interactions to manage conduct and culture
Track virtual real time agent engagement via voice emotion and sentiment analytics.
Ascertain the context of voice calls re key events (i.e. Coronavirus or other risk factors).
Track emerging trends for context and expedited insights (i.e. Domestic Violence).
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