Report Layout and Features

Report Layout and Features

Report Layout

Once the Power BI template has been deployed and your data loaded, you will be presented with seven reports:

  • A Summary Report

  • Three Customer Reports

  • Three Agent Reports

Each report will present VoiceAI data in various charts and tables to assist you in your understanding of your customers and agents.

You can amend the reports and add other datasets for your own purposes.

Please refer to the Databridge Knowledge Base article for a full description of the data fields.

Across the top will be global filters that apply to all reports. You can filter on:

  • Organization

  • Folder

  • Agents

  • Date Range

  • Call Duration

These filters correspond to your account on Wordbench.

Hover Charts

The Summary Report contains hover charts to reveal further details and trends for individual agents. Just hover over the agent to reveal the hover chart:

You can amend the information in the hover chart by editing the visualizations in the Agent Tooltip report:

Agent Type and Day Filters

Two further filters are available in the right hand Filters pane:

  • Agent Type - select whether to show calls with multiple agents on the call, a single agents on the call, or both (default is to show all calls with all agent types).

  • Day - select which day of the week to show (default is to show all days including weekends).

The Agent Type filter assumes that multiple agent names are separated by a comma. If your system uses a different separator, then you will need to edit the filter.

Go to the filter pane and search for the Agent Type field. Select the field and the code for the filter will appear in the formula bar. Simply replace the comma on the second line with your preferred separator, then accept the change by selecting the tick.

Agent Comparison Report

The Agent Comparison Report compares the performance of one agent against all other agents (default setting) or against a sub-set of agents.

If you want to select a sub-set of agents, then use the global Agent filter to first select the sub-set of agents. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple agents.
The sub-set of agents will now appear in the left hand Agent Filter where you can now select which agent to compare to the subset of agents.
You can use this feature to compare one agent against another agent (by only selecting two agents in the global Agent filter).

Wordbench Links Embedded in the Reports

Each call in the database has a link back to Wordbench so that the call can be opened and reviewed within Wordbench. You will require an account on Wordbench to review the call.

The url field is located in the public generated_analytics_data table and is included in the following reports:

  • Best and Worse Customer Calls

  • Best and Worse Agent Calls

  • Agent Performance

Power BI Report with link to call in Wordbench

Call within Wordbench

Adding and Removing Stop Words to Word Clouds

The Word Clouds shown in the reports have the Power BI Stop Words feature turned on. These are words that are to be excluded from the Word Cloud. In addition, we have added further Stop Words using a CJ Stop Words table.

Nevertheless, words may appear in the Word Clouds that you may wish to exclude. There are two methods to adding additional Stop words:

  • Directly to a single Word Cloud.

  • By editing the CJ Stop Word table.

Adding Stop Words to a Single Word Cloud

Adding additional Stop Words to a single Word Cloud is simply a matter of selecting the Word Cloud and entering the relevant words, with each word separated by a space.

The diagram below shows the key steps in adding “yeah” and “think” to the Stop Word list:

Alternatively, you can turn Stop Words off by moving the slider to Off (just above where you add your own Stop Words). However, this will not remove the Stop Words from the CJ Stop Words table.

Editing the CJ Stop Words Table

To review the Stop Words within the CJ Stop Words table, select the Data icon in the left hand pane and then the Stop Words table:

To edit the table, right click anywhere within the table and select Edit query:

The list of Stop Words will appear in the formula bar where you can add or delete additional words, ensuring you enclose additional words in closed quotation marks (““) and separating the words with a comma.

Once you have finished editing the list, select the Tick icon to the left of the formula bar to accept the edit and then Close & Apply the changes:


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